• עברית

A Journal of Transformation

“We Were Reborn!” – the story of the M. Family

The M. family came to me on the first night of Chanukah this year. They were a couple with five little children. The husband was a newspaper photographer and the wife was an educational assistant. Together, they earned NIS 13,000 a month, but that wasn’t enough to cover all their expenses. And in addition to that, they had monthly loan repayments of NIS 8,500 a month!

The family had three different bank accounts and four credit cards. Their ongoing frustration was: “How can it be that we work so hard and do not get to enjoy our money?” Their income was never enough to cover their monthly outlay, and the debt cycle wouldn’t stop for a second…

The couple displayed unusual determination. In the middle of the process, the husband underwent an operation; nevertheless, they progressed with the sessions and carried out their assignments to a tee.

At the “Change” stage in Mesila’s coaching process, they decided:

To buy their groceries with the “envelope method.”

To close their extraneous bank accounts.

To get rid of extraneous credit cards, holding on to just two.

To stop buying at sales, as doing so just led to unnecessary consumption. 

They took one discounted loan with a monthly repayment they could handle, and, with that loan, they were able to pay back all of their running loans and release the monthly budget from its constant suffocation.

They took all occasional money that came in and deposited them into a providential fund for the future.

At the same time, they experienced a minor “miracle”: When they were in the hospital for the husband’s operation, a medical entitlements clerk came over to the wife, and, after a brief conversation, it emerged that the wife was eligible for a NIS 5,000 monthly sum from Bituach Leumi (National Insurance) for a duration of 12 months!

Of course, they took all this money and added it to the standing order for the providential fund, put aside for their growing investment nest egg. Eventually, they were able to use that money to build a small living unit on their roof to rent out, without incurring debts!

And today:

Their budget is well balanced, baruch Hashem.

Every month, they save over NIS 7,500. (NIS 5,000 of this is the wife’s payment from Bituach Leumi.)

They finish the month in the black, easily and calmly!

There is money ready in advance to cover all their expenses.

And, above all, the debts are no longer growing and weighing on them.

Thanks to all this, the wife started to study nursing, so as to upgrade her salary.

They tell me: “We feel as if we were reborn! It’s unbelievable where we were just a half year ago.”

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