Mesila Events, News, and Activity
Branching Out in Haifa
Mesila has become a valuable resource for informing and educating men and women in Haifa’s Haredi community about financial responsibility and management. The Belz community
A Boost for Small Businesses in Southern Israel
In Arad, 60 entrepreneurs and business owners participated in a one-day conference on smart business management organized by Mesila in partnership with the local Tzedaka
6 Part Webinar for Single Mothers: Financial Stability within Your Reach
Mesila, in conjunction with Sister to Sister, ran a 6 part webinar series for single mothers: Financial Stability Within Your Reach, which took place on consecutive
Counselor Training for Mesila Antwerp Branch
Responding to grassroots demand from the Chasidic community in Antwerp, Mesila’s R. Lazer Carmel is training counselors to meet the growing need in the community
Mesila training session for day school principals through CoJDS
On July 21, R. Shalom Abramczyk of Mesila Lakewood gave a training session for principals on “Teaching our Children Financial Responsibility” at the Summer Think
Mesila Introduces Belz Yeshiva Bachurim in Bnei Brak to Financial Management
On July 28, 2015, in Bnei Brak, 200 Belz yeshiva bachurim were introduced to the concept of sound financial management by noted Mesila lecturer Rabbi
Mesila Hosts Seminar for Newly Married Men in Modi’in Ilit
As part of our Chasanim program educating engaged and newly married men about financial independence, we hosted an evening seminar for Boyaner Hasidim in Modi’in
Mesila Runs Family Counselor Training Course
Mesila ran an intensive , family counselor training course at the premises of Kivun in Jerusalem. Without advertising, Mesila managed to fill the lecture room
Mesila and Maof for New Businesses
On July 20, 2015, Maof, the Finance Ministry’s Organization for Assisting Small and Medium Size Businesses, sponsored a seminar in Modi’in Ilit for potential new business owners.
Noshmim l’Revacha: Mesila in conjunction with municipal Welfare Departments
Noshmim l’Revacha: Mesila was chosen by Welfare Departments of Bnei Brak, Modi’in Illit, Beitar Illit and Elad to provide services through a new national initiative.
Smart Economic Tips Begin in Kindergarten
On Tuesday, July 14, 2015, Mrs. A. Elias of Mesila spoke at a conference for kindergaten teachers sponsored by the exclusive toy store, L T
90 Minute Foundation to Financial Stability – Lakewood Seminar
On July 22, 2015, Mesila Lakewood hosted a seminar called “90 Minute Foundation to Financial Stability” for newlyweds, for those marrying off children and for
Mesila Presents with FTMI in the 5 Towns
On Sunday June 21st at the Young Israel of Wavecrest & Bayswater, Mesila presented at a Five Towns Marriage Initiative (FTMI) program entitled “Resolving Family Financial

Millions for Chesed took place June 2-3, 2015. Thanks to your generosity and shared enthusiasm, thousands of individuals, families, businesses and students will be”H be
Evening for Chatanim
Over 70 young men participated in Mesila’s evening for chatanim and young newlywed men on Monday, May 25, 2015, on the topic: Proper Administration
Mesila at the Torah Umesorah National Leadership Convention
Mesila was present at the 59th National Leadership Convention of principals, teachers, and lay leaders of the National Society for Hebrew Day Schools/Torah Umesorah, May 2015,
Personal Finance for New Immigrants: Workshop for French Olim
To help make the transition and integration into the Israeli economic reality that much smoother, Sarah Cohen, formerly of the Welfare Ministry, delivered a Mesila
8 Session Workshop Delivered in Kiryat Sefer
Shlomo Werker, of Mesila’s Family Division, and noted lecturer Rabbi Natan Rozen, collaborated on an 8 session Personal Finance workshop for couples in Kiryat Sefer.
Visit from Finance Ministry Officials
A delegation of high level officials from the Finance Ministry, led by Amir Levi, director of the ministry’s Budgets Department, visited the Mesila offices last week.
Mesila Lakewood Seminar: 90 Minute Foundation to Financial Stability
How to Establish a Jewish Home: 90 Minute Foundation to Financial Stability Mesila Lakewood held a successful seminar event for couples on the evening of
Beitar Ilit – The Art of Keeping Balance
Family Management and Financial Management: The Art of Keeping Balance On Sunday, February 15, 2015, Mesila presented an evening of informative and inspiring lectures in
Har Nof Evening – Utilizing Finances in Israel
On Motzei Shabbos, January 31, 2015, Mesila, in conjuction with the Minhal Kehilati of Har Nof, presented an informative evening on the topic of Utilizing
Ramot Eshkol Evening for Women
On Tuesday, 7 Shevat 5775, January 27, 2015, Mesila Israel’s English speaking division presented an inspiring evening for women in Ramot Eshkol, Jerusalem, under the title:
Mesila Baltimore Hosts 2 Part Seminar
On January 11 and 18, 2015, Mesila Baltimore hosted a two part seminar entitled How to Manage a Financially Balanced Life. Approximately 60 people participated
Mesila’s Annual Dinner: B’Mesilah Naaleh 6
On Tuesday evening, 8 Tevet 5775, Mesila, the worldwide organization that empowers families and businesses by putting them on the path to financial stability, held
Israeli Junior High Education Program Launch
Israeli Junior High School Education Program Launch On Dec. 22, the Junior High School Education Program was launched at Beit Hamoreh Teacher Training Institute in
Kiryat Gat Financial Management Workshop
Financial Management Workshop in Kiryat Gat for Newly Married Hasidic Young Men Rabbi Yosef Backenrot, coordinator of Mesila’s Chatanim program, ran a workshop in
Rechavia Moms Learn about Kids and Money
Rechavia Moms learn about Kids and Money In a warm neighborhood gathering in a home in the Rechavia neighborhood of Jerusalem, Mesila’s educational director Batya
Women’s Business Conference with Mayor Nir Barkat
Business Conference for Women with participation of Jerusalem Mayor, Nir Barkat Nir Barkat, mayor of Jerusalem, participated in the Business Conference for Women that took