Mesila Financial Coach Training Course
The truth is that I really feel that every client that I work with teaches me more, and that coaching is seriously part of my financial therapy. I was actually thinking last night, all that smart stuff I told my client, I really have to internalize it and use it myself a little more too.

I’m working in wealth management now and finding that so much of the coach training is relevant in how I speak with clients regarding their finances and investments. The course has definitely been one of the best career investments for me so far!

This course is becoming so interactive and exciting I really look forward to it!
I loved doing role play part and to see how I am becoming a better listener with implementing the listening, emotional bank account and reflecting techniques.
I created a vision a while ago (after a speech) and it is soo POWERFUL, it created strong change not only in the financial aspects . Thanks for this great idea!
I know exactly how to spend and what and where. ( I moved a few weeks ago and had all planned out how much it will cost me and we actually went less than the projected amount) we will meet with a financial advisor how to diversify our savings.
Kol hakavod and I'm so excited to continue this course and see where it will lead me in life!

I just completed the course. Thank you very much for all the work and koach you put into it. The course was very informative, insightful, and interesting. I really gained a lot of knowledge and awareness as well as coaching tools that are very useful.

Yesterday's class was absolutely fantastic. R' Kohn was in his element. The tech things all worked great, 20+ had their cameras on and we were able to see and interact with them all on the screen at once. There was a lot of interaction between MK and the trainees, and among the trainees themselves (at least what I saw in the chats). It was educational, content-filled, informative, enlightening and fun. I know it's going to just get better.

Thank you for offering this course, R' Moishe is doing a fantastic job making the course informative and enjoyable. Looking forward to the remainder of the course.

The course has been excellent thus far. I've been learning a lot and I enjoy sitting through the classes.
I appreciate R' Moshe's articulate delivery and observing his skills and professionalism during exchanges.
Thank you much! I am really enjoying it.
Mr Kohn is very knowledgeable, interesting and informative presenter. I feel like I'm learning a lot and look forward to start putting it all into practice.
Thank you for a very insightful and well thought out course.
Aliza W2019
Thank you for a wonderful course, thank you all fellow participants for your input and support, and all those who put themselves out there for our benefit!
Chayim R2019
Yeshar koach to Moishe and the staff who did this for us, it is really well put together.
Mike SUK
The course was amazing! Thank you!
Zev F2019
thanks it was a great eye-opening course
Rivka K2019